Welcome to Popular Ink's INDELIBLE KITCHEN.

Now get the hell out!

Really, we would love to have you stay but we would feel rude about that as we have left. As in gone, defunct, kaput. We aren't here anymore. Sometimes, when it's late and we are worried about dying, we do believe in reincarnation. So, maybe we will live again. We'll let you know if that happens.


Three More Water, That's All, by Clay Blancett

Let's call them all "Flood!"


Clay Blancett said...

No I still don't have a bio yet, sorry

Jay Snodgrass said...

sure you do it goes: I'm a jerk blah blah blah.

he he he

Tabitha Dial said...

Clayb's not a jerk, he's a photographer. And I enjoy his photographees. Even these three. ;-)

Jay Snodgrass said...

Tabitha, i didn't say Clay was a jerk, it's HIS bio.