Welcome to Popular Ink's INDELIBLE KITCHEN.

Now get the hell out!

Really, we would love to have you stay but we would feel rude about that as we have left. As in gone, defunct, kaput. We aren't here anymore. Sometimes, when it's late and we are worried about dying, we do believe in reincarnation. So, maybe we will live again. We'll let you know if that happens.


New Pig Collage No. 8 by Ira Joel Haber


Anonymous said...

can you give details on the medium here? cool stuff.

cinemage books said...

The pig collages are made up of images from a book I found called the anatomy of pigs or something like that + paint, crayon, pencil, pastel on plain old drawing pad paper. There are more pig collages on my blog. http://wwwirajoelcinemagebooks.blogspot.com/
and you can see more of my art also here on my art bucket

Anonymous said...

You should do a book of your stuff. Really top-notch. Is any of your work currently on display?

Anonymous said...

remarkable work

cinemage books said...

Thanks for your kind words. I would sure like to have a book done, but I can't even find a gallery in New York City to show my art. this is the link to my artbucket.


Anonymous said...

That's crazy that you can't get a gallery. Maybe you should try print journals. Your stuff seems like it would do really well in reproductions. You should check out links to print mags on web del sol.

cinemage books said...

a few mags. have used my work for their covers. I have a blog, and have posted all the links where my art has been published mostly on line stuff.

Anonymous said...

Check out this url: http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/yourgallery/.

Your Gallery run by Charles Saatchi. Saatchi vowed not buy from this site for a year, but the year is almost up. He is a huge collector and checks the site often. Do you have a space set up there?

Anonymous said...

He's on the Saatchi site but he should put up some of these works on paper. They are much stronger (at least on the computer) than the sculptures.